LETHE webinar, exploring AI in dementia from risk detection to treatment

January 17 @ 10:30 - 11:30
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We are pleased to announce our participation in the third event in the LETHE webinar series. The upcoming session, titled “Beyond the hype: AI in dementia – from early risk detection to disease treatment,” will take place on 17 January from 10.30-11.30am CET. This webinar highlights work among several EU-funded projects, including LETHE, AI-Mind, ADIS and PROMINENT. These initiatives are at the forefront of exploring how Artificial Intelligence (AI) is being applied across different stages of dementia research, focusing on prevention, early diagnosis, and intervention.

Presentations include: 

Markus Bödenler (LETHE, FH Joanneum): LETHE’s approach to AI in dementia prevention and risk assessment.

Ainar Drews (AI-Mind, University of Oslo): AI-Mind, focusing on AI tools designed for early risk detection of cognitive decline.

Sophia Krix (ADIS, Fraunhofer SCAI): Work from the ADIS project, which aims to enable earlier diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease by profiling immune cells and analysing sleep disturbances.

Antti Tolonen (PROMINENT, Combinostics): A presentation on how AI and machine learning are being used in PROMINENT to advance precision medicine in neurodegeneration.

To join the discussion and learn more register for the webinar: Register for the webinar


January 17
10:30 - 11:30